Comprehensive Diploma

This course is suitable for anyone who wishes to become a Pilates Instructor in both Mat and Apparatus.

It will run over six weekends, one month apart. (Saturday & Sunday 12.30pm - 6.30pm)
Once completed you can apply to sit your exam on a separate date.
Students will need a minimum of one year experience in attending Pilates classes before taking this course.

You will learn the Fundamentals along with the Original Pilates Exercises on Mat, Reformer, Cadillac & Chair along with being given the tools to help your clients with Alignment, Osteoporosis , injuries and more!
You will be shown how to break down exercises and teach them safely.

Self practice hours, teaching hours and observation hours will need to be completed during students own time.

On completion of this course and a successful examination, you will receive a Diploma for teaching Pilates awarded from PhysicalMind Institute (PMI) .  
A globally recognised Certificate.
Physicalmind Institute is the Original Pilates Certification Program, and Arlene Ryan Pilates is the first and only studio to offer the PMI Teacher Training in Ireland, along with our partner studio
With this certificate you will be able to obtain insurance cover in order to teach classes.
CEC / CPD required every 2 years to maintain certificate.

This course is non refundable.

For more information contact :